Pi Kapp Scholars
The fraternity's longest-running scholarship program which recognizes outstanding student leaders across the nation every spring.
David D. Morgan Extra Mile National Scholars Program
Each fall, the David D. Morgan “Extra Mile” National Scholars Program recognizes students who not only apply themselves in the classroom but also in life by going the “extra mile” in all they do.
Durward W. Owen International Scholars Award
This program helps support students participating in study abroad programs, focusing on providing financial support to those who may not otherwise have the chance to participate.
Outstanding Associate Chapter Member Award
The Outstanding Associate Chapter Member Award, given every spring, is designed to recognize and motivate members of associate chapters who show a strong commitment to academic excellence.
McCollum Scholarship
The Otis R. McCollum Memorial Scholarship is given every fall to an initiated member of a chartered chapter in the state of North Carolina.
Winkelmann Scholarship
The Craig A. Winkelmann Health Professions Scholarship is given every spring to a graduating senior or first-year graduate student studying medicine (or planning to study) in the following fields: dentistry, osteopathic medicine, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and general medicine.
Durrell Scholarship
The Dr. William Sandford Durrell Scholarship for Excellence in Chemistry is given every fall to a rising junior, senior or graduate student studying chemistry.
Cornelius Scholarship
The Cornelius Scholarship for First-Generation Students is given every spring to an initiated Pi Kapp who is the first generation in his family to attend college.
Bundy Scholarship
The Mark O. and Cindy M. Bundy Scholarship is given each spring to assist first-generation college students pursuing a college degree.
Chapter Specific Scholarships
Each year, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation provides scholarships to members of various chapters.
These educational grants are made possible through restricted funds that are earmarked for the purpose of providing direct student aid to Pi Kappa Phi students that are members of these particular undergraduate chapters.
Upsilon Scholarships
Upsilon (Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
The Upsilon (Illinois-Urbana-Champaign) Chapter honors its brothers through two scholarships: the Charles O. Moka Jr. Memorial Scholarship, awarded each spring for leadership and dedication, and the Upsilon 451 Scholarship, awarded to two members exemplifying service and commitment to the fraternity.
Bennett Memorial Scholarship
Alpha Alpha (Mercer)
Every spring, members of the Alpha Alpha (Mercer) Chapter are recognized for their good character and academic successes through the Robert L. Bennett Memorial Scholarship.
Porterfield Memorial Scholarship
Alpha Delta (Washington)
Every fall, a member is selected as a recipient of the Todd J. Porterfield Memorial Scholarship with special consideration given to applicants who have been involved in national Ability Experience events.
Dalton Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Delta Beta (North Georgia)
Each fall, the Thomas W. Dalton Jr. Memorial Scholarship recognizes one member of the Delta Beta (North Georgia) Chapter with a grant.
Pagoaga Memorial Scholarship
Epsilon Upsilon (Georgia College)
Every spring, the Zachary T. Pagoaga Memorial Scholarship will recognize one undergraduate member of the Epsilon Upsilon Chapter.
Stamp Brother of the Year Scholarship
Theta Theta (Iowa)
Nathan Stamp Brother of the Year Scholarship is awarded to a recipient who exhibits the same passion and level of brotherhood Nathan did while at the University of Iowa.