Growing our Brotherhood


Recruiting new members to Pi Kappa Phi helps brings new ideas, experiences and opportunities for all members to develop into exceptional leaders. Pi Kappa Phi recruits year-round, offering uncommon opportunities to young men who aspire to lead in their communities. Those interested in joining or starting a Pi Kappa Phi Chapter at their campus can find more information by clicking the button below.
Request Information

Recruitment Powerpoint

Host an informational session personalized to your chapter using the recruitment powerpoint-compatible visual aid.

Recruitment Keynote

Host an informational session personalized to your chapter using the recruitment keynote-compatible visual aid.

Presentation Guide

Use this guide alongside the recruitment powerpoint or keynote to guide your presentation.

Recruitment Resources

WATCH: Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers Vice Archon Session with Parker Begale, Senior Director of Organizational Growth.

Recruitment Value Proposition – Explore the different types of values that someone may consider when joining Pi Kappa Phi.

Recruitment Calendar Template – Build out a schedule that sets your chapter up for success in recruitment this year.

Building Your Recruitment Committee – Tips for engaging your chapter for recruitment.

Recruitment Program Template – Create a document your chapter will use to commit to your recruitment goals.

Social Media Best Practices – Make your chapter’s social media accounts stand apart to recruit the best.