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Miami U. fraternity buddy helps double-lung transplant student grow
Elementary student Noah Trumbull’s recent double lung transplant saved his life and taught him many life lessons, including his favorite saying of “every day is a good day.”Alumni News, Archives
Brothers gather in Chicago for Founders’ Day
16 brothers representing 8 different chapters came together in Chicago to mark another year of brotherhood.Photo Spotlights
December 12, 2018
Iota Mu (Arkansas - Fort Smith) Archon Steven Stone passes the gavel to Lane Dickinson.Alumni News, Archives
Brothers gather in Dallas for Founders’ Day Celebration
28 brothers from chapters across the nation joined together for the celebrationAlumni News, Archives
New York Alumni Celebrate Founders’ Day
Brothers representing undergraduate members, alumni and staff enjoyed an evening full of networking, award presentations and camaraderie.Submit News
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