Team Member Tuesday – Mike McBride

Event: Journey of Hope TransAmerica Route 2016

Hometown: Westfield, Indiana

Why did you sign up for this event?
I loved the incredible impact it had on my life while cycling north route last summer and I wanted to be a part of that again. I chose TransAmerica route to see a new part of the country and meet even more great people that make Journey of Hope possible.

Why did you decide to return this summer?
I felt that I had the opportunity to give back the incredible experience I had to a whole new team and I wanted to take on that challenge before graduating and starting my career.

What are you most excited for this summer?
I’m most excited to see the team grow so close together, challenge themselves, and accomplish some remarkable things while we while we try to make a positive impact on every person we meet.

What is your favorite memory from last year’s summer event?
There are so many great people and places that come to mind! The last few days riding through the Appalachians in Maryland will always stick with me because it was the last time our team was together and we tried to enjoy every moment before arriving in DC.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself:
I played college football for the Shanghai Jiao Tong Lions when I studied abroad in China.

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