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Pi Alphas join North team in Colorado

This past weekend, Jeff Perlman, Gamma Delta (Memphis), and Jeff Watson, Eta Gamma (Colorado) joined the 2014 Journey of Hope North route, Bruce Rogers and riders from KRG Capital for a Colorado Ride Along. Perlman and Watson, who are both Pi Alphas, committed themselves to raising over $500 each for Push America for the three day ride!

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Via Instagram: @danielstephani822: Building leaders of tomorrow by serving people with disabilities today! This is the Mission statement of my fraternity and is the main reason I became a proud member of Pi Kappa Phi! #redefiningfraternity #myboyoscar #tbt #pushamerica #pikappaphi #___ #ODH

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Via Instagram: @bry_bry340: This goes out to all my brethren of @PiKappaPhi...especially my brothers at @csunpikappaphi...represent!! #PiKappaPhi #PiKapps #___ #UKnow! #PTB #ProudToBe #ZetaMu #340 #Brazil #RioDeJaneiro #Rio #ChristRedeemer #ChristoRedentor #Corcovado

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