Dayton students harness the “Power of 100”

Like many other socially-conscious, for profit companies that have been founded in the last few years, Hammocks that Help felt that it was important to respect the aspect of a “full cycle.” All of the Nicaraguan-made hammocks sold put profits right back into the country.

“We want to show people that it isn’t that difficult to help better the world. Buy a hammock to relax in while helping house a needing family,” said Shane Jabir, who helps with the organization’s operations and sales.

One such family is Carmelo Pichardo, his wife Silgian and their two children Josue and Maria (pictured). The family is currently living in a make-shift house constructed out of plastic, old wood and sheets of zinc. Carmelo works as a bicycle taxi operator and his wife stays home to care for their two young children. While their income feeds the family, it is not enough to make significant improvements on their home. Since founding the organization, Hammocks that Help has built home for two families just like Carmelo and Silgian’s.

If you are interested in purchasing a hammock or learning more about the organization, visit their website at