Shawn Miller spends summer giving back to the Haiti community

Shawn Miller spent roughly a month in Haiti helping others who are less fortunate.

With a budget of roughly $8,000 dollars fundraised through his church community, Shawn and team of 27 others were able to run a medical clinic for over 630 people and also put a roof on a widows house. The medical clinic was in downtown Cap Haitian, Haiti and the house was just outside the city, in the town of Berard Nord. Shawn and three other men worked with Haitian contractors and construction workers to complete the roof.

The rest of the team which consisted of both nurses and other occupations went into the clinic everyday and helped people both physically and financially try to solve their ailments. With $5,500 dollars, they were able to purchase the American equivalent of $45,000 dollars in medication because of the strong value of the dollar compared to the Haitian currency. For two weeks, Miller both served people and also learned a wealth of information about Haiti and the people there.

“Haiti is a proud nation in a very dark political and economical depression. The country is one of the most beautiful places in the world and as long as their are good people there trying to change the negative light, I will continue to return as I have faith Haiti will someday show its true colors. It is not all pirates and guns like many people think, there are good people who have great children who just want to work and provide for their families. They have nothing. If all I could ever bring them was hope, that would be enough reason to go back again. I am glad I got to make a positive impact on people I continue to see and befriend more every time I return.” -Shawn Miller

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