The Beta Epsilon Chapter at The University of Missouri was chartered on September 28th, 2019, with Past National Secretary Charles Barnard, Delta Delta (Truman State), and Matt Basta, Beta Epsilon, serving as installation officers. Members from Theta Lambda (Missouri State), Delta Delta (Truman State), Delta Chi (Kansas State) initiated 55 refounding fathers.
Many Beta Epsilon alumni were in attendance to celebrate with their newly initiated chapter brothers. Barnard delivered the keynote address, which he challenged the chapter to stay involved in all aspects of Pi Kappa Phi.

The Alpha Mu Chapter at Penn State University was Chartered on October 12th, 2019, with National President Jeremy Galvin, Alpha Omicron (Iowa State), and Derek Berger, Beta Xi (Central Michigan), serving as installation officers.
The brothers from Theta Psi at RIT and Kappa Eta at SUNY Geneseo initiated 47 Refounding fathers. Both the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life at Penn State and Pi Kappa Phi are extremely proud of the men of Alpha Mu and look forward to all that they will accomplish.

The Tau Chapter at North Carolina State was Chartered on October 19th, 2019, with National Vice President William Sigmon, Alpha Sigma (Tennessee), and Dick Baker, Delta Beta (North Georgia), serving as the installation officers. Members from Epsilon Rho (Lenoir-Rhyne) and Epsilon Pi (VCU) initiated 62 Refounding fathers.
The National Fraternity is very excited about the return of the Tau Chapter and is looking forward to everything they are able to accomplish.

The Kappa Phi Chapter at Loyola University Chicago was chartered on October 19th, 2019, with National Treasurer James Smith, Alpha Eta (Samford), and National Historian Joseph Brady, Epsilon Omicron (Villanova) serving as the installing officers. Members of Kappa Xi (DePaul) served as the initiation team for the 35 founding fathers.
Coordinator for Sorority & Fraternity Life Emily Koneval welcomed all to Chicago on behalf of the University and issued warm remarks. Smith delivered the keynote address, during which he challenged the chapter to stay involved in all aspects of Pi Kappa Phi.

The Delta Sigma Chapter at Bowling Green State University was Chartered on October 26th, 2019, with The Ability Experience Vice Chairman Russell
Faulkner, Delta Psi (UT – Arlington) and Bob Budlong, Epsilon Beta (Grand Valley), serving as the installing officers. Members of Beta Iota (Toledo) served as the initiation team for 30 refounding fathers.
University President Dr. Rodney Rogers welcomed everyone to the Bowen-Thompson Student Union and said how excited he was for Delta Sigma’s return. Russell delivered the keynote address and charged the men to live by their ritual and strive to become the ideal chapter.