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Via Instagram: @redeemed_rebel: All the countless meetings, late nights, doubt, and worry has now manifested itself. No longer will they ask who. No longer will they ask where. No longer can they not see. With all my heart and with all my brothers standing beside me I can proudly say the Men of Pi Kapp are home. #___

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@Pi Kappa Phi-Central Florida: Thank you to everyone that came out today to sign our banner for the Ability Experience, our national philanthropy that raises awareness for people with disabilities. Join us again in front of the union tomorrow for free lemonade and then on Wednesday for Pie a Pikapp, as well as our partial proceeds at Burger 21 later that night! This is all part of UCF's Pi Kapp Week!

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Theta Psi (RIT) Vice Archon Joe Sciandra & his nephew at "The Pedal Experience" which took place a few weeks ago on campus raising funds and awareness about The Ability Experience.

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