The council consists of: Jason Crudo (the archon), Edgar Trujillo (the vice archon), Luis Pruneda (the treasurer), Angel Hernandez (the secretary), John Medellin (the chaplain), Malik Akil (the warden), Neema Mohseni (the historian), as well as, Ed Teixeira, Avnish Patel, and Jonathan Lau, the standards board chairman, risk management chairman, and philanthropy chairman, respectively. The members gained meaningful insight in regards to creating a successful chapter and learning each person’s individual role. For example, John explained that the most important thing he learned was “setting the tone for ceremonies and subrituals” and Angel noted that learning how other secretaries operate was very beneficial and now he knows “exactly what needs to be done.” Though there are many moments to choose from, the highlight of the weekend was listening to Pi Kapp member Joshua Toch’s experience with disability and the strive for both normalcy and excellence. Starting this next week, Spring Rush 2017 begins and the group is eager to recruit new associate members and give them an opportunity to be founding fathers.