Gerdts Leadership London Update

Leadership London is a partnership between Pi Kappa Phi and the Foundation for International Education (FIE)  — an accredited study abroad provider — that integrates classroom learning, internship experiences, and leadership development opportunities in order to prepare our students for leadership in a global world.

As a part of the program Johann is enrolled in classes, but also has the opportunity to participate in an internship with an London-based firm and travel to multiple countries in Europe. In Johann’s words, “London so far has been incredible and filled with many opportunities, amazing food, and great beer. So far I’ve been able to travel to neighboring countries such as the Netherlands and Belgium. We will be receiving our internship placements next week, as well as taking the Greek connect trip to Oxford, and the great Masonic lodge with other Greek affiliated students this weekend.”

On a recent trip to London, Pi Kappa Phi Chief Operating Officer Christian Wiggins, Epsilon Alpha (Elon) had the chance to take Johann to lunch and discuss his FIE experience. Joining Wiggins were Alpha Eta (Samford) alumnus Mike Cleckler, and past Executive Director Durward Owen, Xi (Roanoke). Wiggins said, “the experience that Johann is receiving is so valuable to shaping a student’s global perspective and cultural competencies. We hope that many students will follow in the years to come, making this one of Pi Kappa Phi’s premier leadership and scholarship programs.”