Travelling to Kansas City, MS was quite an experience, as each member learned how to successfully execute their respected positions as well as establish new friendships with brothers from chapters all around the region. After a nine hour drive, the brothers of Kappa Xi (although exhausted), were ready to get to work. The meetings and workshops ran all through Friday night and Saturday evening. Saturday concluded with an awards ceremony which honored the work from all the chapters in attendance, and the Kappa Xi chapter was honored to receive a number of awards: The Master Chapter Awards for Service & Philanthropy, New Member Experience, and Governance; and the Gold Society Philanthropy award. Also, brother, Eric Baze, was given the award of Outstanding Philanthropy Chairman for his work in raising over $9,000 for the Ability Experience. The brothers of Kappa Xi could not be more proud of him.
The newly elected executive board for the Kappa Xi chapter goes as follows:
Archon- Jonah Winn
Vice Archon- Matthew Sanchez
Treasurer- Brandon Kessinger
Secretary- Jacob Whitford
Historian- Ben Sodolski
Chaplain- Evan Sellas
Warden- Anthony Zunno
Standards Board- James Leichty
Philanthropy- Subhan Islam
Risk Management- Jack Ashley
Archon Jonah Winn is especially excited to start his new position, and had this to say about his experience in Kansas City: “It was an amazing experience getting to connect with so many Pi Kapps around the country. Especially following charter, your’e humbled to be part of such a large and magnificent organization.
Even though the time as an associate chapter has been a resounding success, the executive board and the chapter have big plans. It is intended that raise even more money is raised than last year. While the chapter has not set a specific goal yet, Kappa Xi desires to achieve Platinum status after the year is over. Although our Gold status was achieved as an associate chapter, as Kappa Xi, the bar only raises.