Darrick Turner is currently pursuing his career in teaching music. Since he has graduated from Morehead State University and married his wife Leah who is also a lavalier, he has worked to instill his love of music into the lives of others. He credits his ability to be a man of class and to lead others to Pi Kappa Phi. He uses his passion for music to drive his students to be self-disciplined, caring, goal setting and dedicated so that they can become successful in life. Darrick worked as a substitute teacher for a year working and volunteering to student music education. He accepted the position at Fairdale High School as the orchestra director and assistant band director at Atherton High School. He dedicates his time to his students to become the best musicians and people they can be. The orchestra program greatly grew in numbers, raised approximately $10,000 in two years, and was recognized by National Public Radio’s “From The Top.” In 2017 he took two ensembles to the Kentucky Music Educator’s Association district assessment and the symphonic orchestra received unanimous distinguished ratings for the first time in years. The orchestra was judged at the Holiday World Music Festival in 2017 and received 1st place in their division with an overall gold rating. He has had visits from other educators and conductors, one of which is the Louisville Orchestra conductor Teddy Abrams to inspire his students in their musical abilities. Darrick hopes to soon pursue his master’s degree in leadership with an emphasis in technology.