Craig Vargo

30under30 LOGOCraig Vargo served Omega Chapter as Historian and Vice Archon as well as being a two time Pi Alpha, riding Journey of Hope in 2010 and Gear up Florida in 2011. He would go on to get his Doctor of Pharmacy from Purdue University and then completed a two-year residency at Ohio State University in hematology & oncology. Craig is a Board Certified Oncology Pharmacist currently working as a Specialty Practice Pharmacist at the Ohio State University James Cancer Hospital specializing in breast cancer. He has published research articles ranging from appropriate use of antibiotics to providing information on the safe and effective use of different chemotherapy agents. Currently he volunteers with the Columbus Free Clinic and in the past has spent months in Kenya working in the hospital system and at their community center, providing much needed medical attention to an underserved population.

Advice for students and young alumni:
“Always keep your door open. Every opportunity to create and build a relationship is an opportunity to learn and grow.”