Beta Xi Attends Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers

Here is the list of officers for 2017:

Archon: Charlie Dillon
Vice Archon: James Izzo
Secretary: Emil Iliev
Warden: Jacob Cook
Historian: Jon Braun
Chaplain: Austin Janice
Philanthropy Chairmen: Avery Sacolic
Risk Management Chaimen: Michael Jaks
Standards Board Chairmen: Kevin Lasley
Social Chairmen: Damian Delano

The Executive Council came together throughout the weekend at Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers to plan out their goals for the year. A few that we would like to inform you of are the following: (1) recruit 30 new members, (2) raise $3,000 for The Ability Experience, (3) increase chapter GPA, and (4) monthly communication to alumni.

This summer, two men from the chapter are dedicating their summer to servant leadership and making an impact in the disability community by participating in national events with The Ability Experience. Chris Waechter, a senior from Macomb, is participating in Journey of Hope as a cyclist. Demetrius Randolph, a senior from Saginaw, is participating in Build America. Both of these men have dedicated themselves to raising funds for The Ability Experience and they need your support. Links to support the brothers through an online gift is listed below.

The chapter is working towards better communication to the alumni and so be on the lookout for a monthly newsletter! The chapter is also hoping to host an alumni event in the spring.

How can you help? The chapter is seeking assistance from alumni as advisors in the areas of finance, communication and recruitment. Please reach out to Beau Samples at the national headquarters at if you are interested in joining the Beta Xi Council of Advisors.
Click on the links below to contribute or read more about Chris and Demetrius’ summer of service to The Ability Experience!
Chris Waechter:
Demetrius Randolph: