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Day 6

Today was a milestone for our team, as we officially broke ground at our first stop along our trip, Camp Woodlands. Collectively, we tackled four separate projects that each were highly important to the camp for largely different reasons. The first two projects involved painting, one to prepare a stage for the campers to perform on Friday night, and another revolved around exterior of the Woodland's Wellness Center. The second  two consist of a paved patio with a retaining wall and a nature walk trail. I myself have spent my entire time focusing on the trail, which used to be an area that all campers could venture during their time at camps. Unfortunately, due to weather conditions the path eroded to the point where it was no longer safe for campers, and thus needed drastic repair. 

The importance of this project is paramount due to the fact that the patio we are constructing lies at the end of this nature walk trail, and if campers cannot use the trail they will not be able to enjoy the patio either. We've learned a lot about effective communication as a team, and it's only day one. The day concluded with our first camp programming session, where we joined the campers and attended a concert on campus. The orchestra that performed played well known music, including a great deal of records by The Beatles, and strongly encouraged dancing and singing. By the end of the performance, my brothers and myself were letting loose and seeing how much the campers enjoyed experiencing this event with us, and it really solidified our mission. We cannot wait to get back on our respective worksites in the morning and continue to build for these campers, and for those that come to Camp Woodlands in the future. 

Quinn Balder 

Build America 2017

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