October 12, 2018 / 4:00 pm / Thomson, Georgia

Gamma Kappa (Georgia Southern) Alumni Golf Tournament

Four Man Scramble
October 12-14, 2018


Friday, October 12
Practice Round (includes green/cart fee, cash bar, and appetizers)–$32.00
Dinner will be available at Belle Meade starting at 6:30 PM. Please indicate if you will be eating to ensure an accurate headcount. Menu options includes steak, fried or grilled shrimp, and chicken marsala; all entrees include a side and salad.
Saturday, October 13
Round One–8:30 AM
A sandwich lunch buffet is included. Saturday dinner is on your own; those who want to watch the UGA vs. LSU game are invited to do so at the Fox Hole Saturday night.
Sunday, October 14
Round Two–8:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Lunch buffet included.


Active Brother Fee–$90.00
Costs include mulligan and lunch both days.
Non-active Brother Fee–$140.00
Costs include mulligan and lunch both days.
All registrations are due by September 1st.


Hampton Inn–(706) 595-5300
Best Western in White Columns–(706) 595-8821
Two rooms will be provided free of charge for Active Brothers.



To register or ask questions, contact Russell Gilliam (Gamma Kappa #115) at (706) 831-9084 or drgilliam@bellsouth.net.