October 12, 2018 /
1:00 pm /
Charlotte, North Carolina
Delta Lambda (UNC-Charlotte) Inaugural Golf Tournament
6801 Gatehouse Road
Locust, NC
The tournament will be memorializing two Delta Lambda brothers, Steven Hall and Bill Fisher Jr., who have recently passed away. A portion of the registration fee will go towards UNC-Charlotte’s Hall Fisher Memorial Scholarship.
To register, click HERE.
Registration will close Friday, September 28.
The cost to play is $60/person (and includes cart rentals and range balls).
The first 48 players to register will receive three Pi Kappa Phi custom golf balls the day of the tournament as well. After your registration is complete, please email Joey Byrd to let him know if you would like to be paired in a foursome at random or have your own group assembled.
If you are unable to attend the golf tournament but still wish to support the Hall Fisher Memorial Scholarship, please contact Joey Byrd for more information on how to do this through UNC-Charlotte’s website.
Questions? Please contact Joey Byrd (Delta Lambda #530) at (704) 650-6118; Robert Ledford (Delta Lambda #586) at (704) 477-6271; or Jesse Garber (Delta Lambda #788) at (704) 995-3282.