May 20, 2023 / / Blacksburg, VA

Delta Alpha “Legends and Beyond”

May 20, 2023

Pi Kapp Alumni “Legends and Beyond” gathering at the old fraternity house!


For those who were around when we had the house, this is a great chance to get back in touch with old friends and remember all the good times!

For those who did not experience the original fraternity house, this is a chance for you to see it and feel the chapter’s history, as well as meet other alumni and most of all – have a great time!


During the day we will be possibly going to the New River Junction and tubing.

Later that evening, there will be a catered dinner at 5:00 PM, and there will be games and hanging out. If you like to dance, we will have a DJ playing music till whenever.

Please bring your spouse!



Nothing at this point is planned for Friday night so if anyone wants to put something together – have at it!