September 14, 2021 /
2:00 pm /
Avoid Financial Mistakes Commonly Made by Graduates and Young Alumni
You went to college, spent four years and tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars earning your degree. One of the reasons you have a Big Brother was to help you through pledging, to be a mentor and help you through college. Now that you have your job, do you have an operating manual for the $1,500,000+ asset they just handed you? Do you have that mentor yet?
Pi Kappa Phi is proud to bring in Joe Templin, AT 980 and author of Financial Mistakes of Young Americans, to in one hour help you understand the complexities of being a financial adult so that (in his words): you don’t screw it up because of bad advice from well meaning but ill-informed amateurs.
One hour of edutainment, of guidance with some laughs from a Brother that’s “been there, done that, made the mistakes and wrote the book”.
Register for the event