Archives, Student News
Dayton students harness the “Power of 100”
Colin Johnson and Shane Jabir, two students and founding fathers of the Iota Pi Chapter (Dayton), have established Hammocks that...
Colin Johnson and Shane Jabir, two students and founding fathers of the Iota Pi Chapter (Dayton), have established Hammocks that...
Via Instagram: @a_big_dyl_: Had a great booth day today! Come check us out at greekfest tonight!!! #RUSHPIKAPP #pikapp #___ #UNLV...
Published in 2003, Our Island in the Sun provided an in-depth look at life aboard a boat on a 25,000...
On Saturday, August 2, Pi Kappa Phi alumni residing in the Tampa area held an end of summer BBQ. Seven...
Via Instagram: @its_paulson: Giving roses to the girls that got their bids today. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!! @shannon_rennae24 and @taylorgal14 #PiKappaPhi #___
@Pi Kappa Phi-UT Tyler: Spent the day with our friends at AMBUCS, building a 50-foot wheelchair ramp for a Smith...
Via Instagram: @hru5ka: House is ready for rush! #pikapp #pikappaphi #exceptionalleaders #gogreek #goidaho @pikappaphi @pikappidaho
Pi Kappa Phi at OU: We are proud to welcome 58 new associates to the Zeta class of the Alpha...
Via Instagram: @lindlyk: decorated cookies for the pi kapp rush event tomorrow. @seandumont #pikappaphi #cookies