Alpha Omicron alumnus and wife celebrate World Series with wedding cake

Kyle and Sarah Morrissey’s storybook romance got its start at Wrigley Field in 2006.

“You can’t live that close and not just be engulfed by the spirit,” Kyle Morrissey recalled having once lived two blocks from the Cubs’ iconic stadium.

They met as they watched a Cubs game with mutual friends. By 2008 they were living in Kansas City, and got engaged. They’d celebrate the next day, back at the place they first met, cheering on their favorite team.

“Our walk in song at the wedding was ‘Go Cubs Go,’ it was a natural it was part of us and part of our story,” Sarah Morrissey said.

When they got married that October they had one other Chicago touch, a portion of their wedding cake designed as a Cubs hat. Kyle gave the baker special instructions.

“I said I was going to keep it frozen until they went to the series and who knows how long it would take for them to be able to get to the World Series.”

Friends doubted it too, posting online “that cake may turn to dust before it’s ever eaten.” But suddenly this October the Cubs gave them hope.

“As they were continuing to win, you project it out and if they win when is it going to fall? Seeing that it was on our anniversary, it was just a perfect fit,” Kyle said.

So Tuesday they dug out the cake from the freezer and started to unwrap it.

“I see blue,” Kyle exclaimed.

The bill of the cap, may have fallen victim to the Cubs curse, but otherwise it came out unscathed.

“Hope it brings us good luck,” Kyle said before they would carve into the cake.

They each took a bite during the first pitch of the World Series.

“It tastes like 8-year-old cake,” Kyle said with a grin.

Nevertheless, the moment couldn’t have been any sweeter.

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