The original chapter was closed in September of 1995 after the chapter failed to live up to the standards and risk management policies set forth by the national office. But in February of 2012, Pi Kappa Phi decided to restart its chapter at UC Davis.
Brothers Timoth S. Hebson, National Chaplain, of the Alpha Eta chapter at Samford University and Todd A. Sargent of the Eta Sigma chapter at UCLA served as the installing officers for the weekend. The 25 refounding fathers were initiated by the men of Theta Omicron (Nevada Ð Reno) and Iota Sigma (San Jose State).
Representing the national fraternity at the chapter’s chartering banquet were Assistant Executive Director of Chapter Development Chris Conner, Eta Iota (Christopher Newport) and Director of Chapter Development Andrew Richards, Iota Alpha (Sacred Heart). Chapter Advisor Nelson Wong, Eta Theta (San Francisco) was in attendance; as well as several parents and significant others.