Zeta Gamma (North Dakota) attends Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers

The theme of the conference this year was “fraternity under fire” and brothers took a lot out of that even relating it to themselves and their situation. They came ready and dedicated to learn and to succeed so that they may create a better Pi Kappa Phi experience and a better college experience for their members.

The chapter learned that in order to succeed as a chapter they need to work together as a team and operate in a way that would benefit everyone. Zeta Gamma also learned to forget the past and to only think about the present because dwelling in the past is not only detrimental to the fate of any chapter but also detrimental to the spirit of members.

Overall Zeta Gamma Chapter now feels they are ready to take on the semester and start fresh. In the words of one of our chapters founding fathers Steward Sandstrom “act in the mindset of an associate chapter trying to earn their charter”. If we do that we will not only succeed we will thrive!