The Joy Prom is an annual event hosted by Zeta Chapter (Wofford) of Pi Kappa Phi for high school students with special needs, said event coordinator and Wofford senior Matthew Yochum.
“We create a venue, create a theme and then give them a prom,” Yochum said.
As students arrived, they walked a red carpet and were given a paparazzi-like welcome by a group of Wofford students — including multiple photographers who snapped pictures of the guests.
Seventeen students from Boiling Springs, Chesnee, Dorman, McCarthy Teszler and Spartanburg high schools came to the event decked out in sharp tuxes and beautiful dresses.
Yochum said the high school students were paired up with dates — Wofford students who volunteered to take part in the event.
“I love the Joy Prom,” said Wofford sophomore Meggie Bloodworth. “I think it’s a great thing to do, and I like getting to meet new people.”
Bloodworth said this is the first year she’s been involved in the prom. Bloodworth said in high school she participated in the Miracle League, a local baseball organization for children with mental and physical disabilities.