Upsilon (Illinois) attends Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers

Those in attendance learned a lot about fulfilling their duties as members of the executive council as well as learning skills to better lead and improve the chapter. Upsilon got new ideas to improve many aspects of our chapter, with our new goals making us into an ideal chapter.

New knowledge was gained about many things such as The Ability Experience, service, recruitment and motivating brothers. Many of the things learned at Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers will surely be implemented and help to better the chapter.

While we had a great time learning and improving our ability to be chapter leaders, we also enjoyed our time spent in Kansas City and had a great time meeting brothers from many different chapters. The brothers that attended Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers have come away with new knowledge and abilities that can further help our chapter as well as great memories shared with many great Pi Kappa Phi brothers.