Student Spotlight – September 2015 – Tyler Droste

He currently serves as the chapter’s warden, and he has gone above and beyond to educate the associate members of his chapter on what it means to be a brother of Pi Kappa Phi. Having attended both Pi Kapp College for Emerging Leaders and the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute, he has gained a true sense of what it means to be a leader and how to live the ritual of Pi Kappa Phi.

Currently, Tyler serves as an undergraduate intern for Quinnipiac’s Fraternity & Sorority Life office. He was also an orientation leader for Quinnipiac this past summer which provided him with the opportunity to help incoming students transition into college life.

To top off his involvement he currently serves as the Student Government Association’s senior class vice president. Tyler hopes to pursue a career in higher education and he is certainly on the right path!

Submit a nomination for Pi Kappa Phi’s monthly Student Spotlight to – Be sure to include their name, chapter, why they deserve to be featured, and a few photos we can choose from.