Student Spotlight – February 2016 – Mike Pierick

Mike has built up quite the legacy on his own, and now hopes to pass on the torch to the next generation and his new fraternity brothers.

Mike found his way to UC Merced from San Diego, California when offered a spot to play for the Men’s Basketball team. From there he took the Bobcats to new heights, and now as co-captain of the team, he hopes to lead them to their league playoffs for the first time in Bobcat history.

His tenure at UC Merced has driven him to blend his talents and passion for the survival of an economically distressed community. As a business major, student athlete and staff member at the university’s recreational & athletic center, Mike compelled his close friends and major figures of the city to create Student-Athletes Focusing on Education. a non-profit which pairs high school aged students with UC Merced’s student athletes, SAFE works to guide the city of Merced’s youth towards college and beyond. Mike drives this vision as the founder and CEO of the non-profit.

As his Senior year draws to a close, Mike hopes to instill the values he’s grown up with in our fraternity, building servant leaders. He is thrilled to be a Pi Kapp and has already begun utilizing the fraternity to help galvanize the community moving forward.

Submit a nomination for Pi Kappa Phi’s monthly Student Spotlight to – Be sure to include the person’s name, chapter, why they deserve to be featured, and a few photos we can choose from.