Psi Chapter has successful recruitment

In business, freshman Rob Karp, Hotel Administration, acts as founder and CEO of MilesAhead, a high-end travel advisory firm with a focus on reward point maximization. In science, freshman Dan Cadena, Chemical Engineering, studies siRNA implementation and optimization at Cornell’s biomolecular engineering lab. Finally, in humanities, freshman Andrew Older, English & Philosophy, writes poetry.

Here is an excerpt from Older, titled “A Sundry Hue”: A dark and light dichotomy of clouds was splattered out against the canvas blue, the sun, exacting, lost behind a shroud, illumined puffs and birthed a sundry hue.

As a whole, the Nu class is composed of talented Pi Kappa Phi brothers that explore a wide range of subjects here at Cornell. They are campus leaders, community organizers, and men of character.