Psi Chapter attends Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers

It was an exciting time for the executive council, and they learned new skills that will enable them to pursue their goals for the coming year.

As Spring 2017 recruitment week quickly approaches, Psi Chapter looks to build upon its successful Nu and Xi classes. The Vice Archon, Daniel Cadena, learned exciting new ways to get potential new members interested in Pi Kappa Phi and get active brothers prepared for recruitment.

Additionally, as the school year progresses, Psi Chapter aims to build stronger and stronger bounds within and across accociate member classes. At Pi Kapp College, the Chaplain, Jack Burger, discovered new rituals and brotherhood events that will strengthen brotherhood bonds and continue to instill the values of Pi Kappa Phi. Each new executive council member had a valuable weekend.

We all look forward to connecting with more Psi alumni over the coming year and welcome you to reach out to us. Below is a link where you can update your contact information, and I can be reached at with any questions.

Ben Rubin ‘19

Link to update contact info: