Volunteer of the Year: Jeremy Inabinet, Gamma Rho (Lander)
Serving for multiple years as a lead faculty member for Pi Kapp College for Emerging Leaders and as a facilitator for Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers, Jeremy Inabinet’s exceptional service for Pi Kappa Phi’s educational programs has been integral to their continued success. In addition to his role as a facilitator, last fall Jeremy accepted the position of committee chair for the newly formed Individual and Chapter Conduct Committee. With a background in student conduct, he has the experience to relate to the students he works with while balancing how to help them face their own challenges. His nominator wrote “As committee chair of the Individual and Chapter Conduct committee, Jeremy has encouraged us to look beyond what we currently are doing and ask tough questions about the committee’s work. His background and knowledge surrounding sexual misconduct have been invaluable to the committee and how we hold our members accountable for their behavior.” Pi Kappa Phi is thankful to have a dedicated volunteer like Jeremy, who is more than deserving of the 2019 Volunteer of the Year Award.
Outstanding Friend of the Fraternity: Sarah Johnson
As a huddle leader for Pi Kapp College for Emerging Leaders and assisting with the fraternity’s printing needs prior to other Pi Kappa Phi Journey programming, Sarah Johnson has been a reliable friend of the fraternity when needed for many one-off projects. Thoughtful and willing to help by giving her time, her nominator wrote “Recently she acted as a huddle faculty leader for the first time and the connection she made with the students was great and she had a very high impact on the program/people there. She makes herself readily available while she’s there. She left a concert in January to help in Atlanta for Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers from Pittsburgh because we needed someone to assist.” For her time and dedication, Pi Kappa Phi is pleased to recognize Sarah Johnson as the fraternity’s 2019 Outstanding Friend of the Fraternity Award recipient.
Alumni Chapter Newsletter of the Year: The Beta Eta Data, Beta Eta (Florida State)
The Beta Eta Alumni Chapter consistently works to provide top-quality news and information to their chapter by working with National Headquarters to piece together informative and organized news templates for their alumni. Not only do they produce a high-quality newsletter once a year to be distributed via mail to all of their alumni, but they also frequently utilize email messaging and correspondence through efforts with Headquarters’ Alumni Engagement and Communication teams. Beta Eta provides a newsletter to their alumni that fills both quality and quantity. The most recent edition of the award-winning Beta Eta Data can be viewed here.
Housing Corporation of the Year: Alpha Epsilon Housing Corp., Alpha Epsilon (Florida)
The Alpha Epsilon Housing Corp. has consistently shown leadership and success year after year. As the primary source of alumni engagement for their chapter, it executed a 95th Anniversary event with an outstanding turnout. The housing corporation works to keep its alumni engaged, informed, and involved as much as possible. With the addition of the support that they give the student chapter alongside the alumni of Alpha Epsilon, the Alpha Epsilon Housing Corp. stands out among their peers as an organization that sets the bar for others.
Alumni Event of the Year: Gamma Xi 50th Anniversary, Gamma Xi (Georgia Southern)
Over a weekend this past May, the brothers of Gamma Xi (Georgia Southwestern) celebrated the 50th anniversary of the founding of their chapter. There were over 300 brothers and guests of the chapter’s 574 living alumni. The program included the presentation of Legion Awards as well as a remembrance of brothers who have joined the Chapter Eternal.
Alumni Chapter of the Year: Alpha Rho Alumni Chapter, Alpha Rho (West Virginia)
The Alpha Rho Alumni Chapter has consistently shown it is among the best alumni chapters of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity. As the first chapter to receive the Champion Master Alumni Chapter award, it has set an example of what an alumni chapter should strive to achieve. Holding annual events and working to help support the rechartering event for their chapter, the Alpha Rho Alumni Chapter keeps up fantastic communication with their alumni through the use of email updates, has supported the Ability Experience in multiple different facets, and works to avidly support the student chapter in whatever way possible.
Excellence in Engagement Awards
The Excellence in Engagement award is given to Alumni Chapters who have reached certain criteria within the Five Pillars of Alumni Chapter Excellence and have established themselves as a top tier Alumni Organization. We recognize the following alumni chapters for their exceptional operations over the past year.
Alpha Rho (West Virginia) – Champion Master Alumni Chapter
Alpha Upsilon (Drexel)
Epsilon Psi (Slippery Rock)
Alpha Epsilon (Florida)
Omega (Purdue)