The Omega Chapter at Purdue won its 3rd consecutive top fraternity award, setting the standard for Greek life on campus at the 2020 Purdue Greek Awards. Pi Kappa Phi won three major awards including RB Stewart Fraternity of Excellence Award.
The award is given to the chapter which“has demonstrated their excellence in a variety of categories that measure the health and overall chapter achievement including: academics, philanthropy/service, programming, attendance, accountability and their ability to provide an overall values-driven chapter experience.” This is the tenth time the Omega chapter has won the award in the last 13 years.

The Omega Chapter’s collective success is supplemented by the recognitions its individual members received. Nathan Longo, a senior from Dublin, Ohio in electrical engineering with minors in computer science and management, was announced as the Greek Man of the Year. Longo’s accolades are numerous during his Greek experience, being named Pi Kappa Phi’s 2019 Phillip Summers Student of the Year and the 2019 Purdue IFC Fraternity President of the Year.
Longo is the fourth IFC Greek Man of the Year Award winner in the last three decades. Others include Doug Teany (1994), Steve Holtsclaw (2008) and Dan Cronin (2010).

Furthermore, Campbell Boston, a sophomore from Palatine, Illinois majoring in film and video, received the IFC Philanthropist of the Year Award. He was the chapter’s Ability Experience chairman for the last two semesters and was a member of the 2019 Gear Up Florida team.
Boston is the fourth chapter recipient of the award in the last 9 years. Others include Peter Bassick (2011), Jarrod Wagner (2016) and Pranit Das (2018).