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Archives, Photo Spotlights


Photo Spotlight: Flying our flag high in honor of my first Greek Week being over. Couldn't have asked for a better group of dudes to be part of my family. ___ #pikapp #pikappaphi #brotherhood #greeklife

Archives, Photo Spotlights


Photo Spotlight: Iota Lambda (Quinnipiac): Congratulations to our Epsilon Class who were initiated into Pi Kappa Phi this past weekend!

And a special thanks goes out to our Warden, Tyler Droste and our new member education chair, Tyler Mangiafico! Proud to Be!

Archives, Photo Spotlights


Photo Spotlight: Victor Tran, Theta Rho (Western Michigan): Congratulations gentlemen!!! I'm so proud of you guys and our lovely partners, Delta Zeta, for an incredible first place in Greek Week this year! DZ, ¹__, we're the ones you wanna be!!

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