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U.S. Congressman Howard Coble

A decade before the "Contract with America," Congressman Howard Coble of North Carolina may have felt like a lone voice, crying out in the wilderness. In some ways, he still is. In 1984, Coble, a Greensboro attorney who had been recently initiated as an alumnus into U.N.C.-Greensboro (Epsilon Iota); was reluctantly contemplating a run for Congress. For a small town "farm boy," the impetus was certainly not the call of big city Washington, but rather friends, relatives and the Republicans in the state's sixth district who wanted him to cut "outrageous" government spending.

Archives, Student News

Team Member Tuesday – Michael Muse

Michael Muse, Theta (Cincinnati)

Event: Journey of Hope 2016 Cyclist

Hometown: Batavia, Ohio

Why did you sign up for this event?
I signed up for Journey of Hope because I love and fully believe in what The Ability Experience stands for. I joined Pi Kappa Phi because of the philanthropy and have always wanted to do all of the summer events. Pi Kappa Phi has done a lot for me as an individual and I see these summer events as a way of giving back to the fraternity. Serving people with disabilities has grown to be a huge part of my life and I enjoy every aspect of being a part of The Ability Experience.

Why did you decide to come back?
After doing Gear Up Florida and Build America, I knew I had to do the Journey of Hope. I had always doubted doing JOH for many reasons but after completing the other two, I realized how meaningless those doubts were. The emotional journey and the development I went through as a man on those trips has impacted me more than I can explain. I can't wait to experience this journey and the impact I know it will have on others and myself.

What are you most excited for this summer?
I am most excited for the people I will meet. Meeting other Pi Kapps across the country who share a passion with me for The Ability Experience is one of my favorite aspects of these summer events. More importantly though, meeting the people at the friendship visits along the way and getting to know all of them is what inspires me. Seeing their smiling faces and getting to talk with them every evening is going to be what gets me through the bike rides every day.

What is your favorite memory from last year's summer event?
One of my favorite memories from Build America is when I got to meet a girl name Danielle. Danielle had cerebral palsy and was restricted by a wheelchair. Getting to know Danielle as a person has stuck with me because of how incredibly strong she is. She impacted everyone at camp and inspired me in so many ways. She has a dream of starting a modeling agency for people in wheelchairs and I thank that is an amazing idea.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself:
I have never broken a bone before. I hope that doesn't change while I cycle across the country on my bike this summer!

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