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Share the Logo and Change Your Profile Pic

On Thursday, December 7, let’s take over social media! Spread our message by sharing the Pi Kappa Phi Day of Giving logo below on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other social media. Or go ahead and make it your profile photo to show the world your love for Pi Kappa Phi!

(Right-click the image to save to your computer or tap and hold to save on phone)

FB Profile PhotoFB Cover Photo web

Also on Facebook, you can use our Pi Kappa Phi Day of Giving profile frame if you prefer.



Make sure to use #GIVE1904, #UncommonOpportunities, and #ExceptionalLeaders in any of your Day of Giving social media posts.

This year we are offering a special Day of Giving Social Media Challenge! Create a social media post using #GIVE1904 and you will be entered into a drawing to win a Pi Kappa Phi swag pack. Three winners will be chosen at random between December 7 and December 10 and sent their prize!

Sample Posts for Social Media

Not sure what to post for Day of Giving? Here are some sample posts to get you started – or even copy and paste! If you are short on time, you can still spread the message by sharing or retweeting posts from the Pi Kappa Phi Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


  • It’s Pi Kappa Phi Day of Giving. I made my gift. Now it’s your turn! Join me and make your gift today at 1904.me #GIVE1904
  • Pi Kappa Phi gave me the skills and confidence I needed to succeed in the real world. In honor of Day of Giving, I am giving back to ensure uncommon opportunities for current and future student members. Join me and make your gift today 1904.me #GIVE1904
  • Want to learn how to make a difference at Pi Kappa Phi? Check out Day of Giving at 1904.me and make your impact! #GIVE1904
  • Create your own content by sharing a favorite photo or some great memories. Make sure to use #GIVE1904 so that we can share your content on the main Day of Giving social media wall.
  • For those who are more social media savvy, tag your chapter brothers and friends in a post encouraging/asking them to give (remember how well this worked for the Ice Bucket Challenge?).

For example:
It’s Pi Kappa Phi’s Day of Giving. I made my gift. Now it’s your turn Jane Smith, John Smith, and Patty Smith. Join me and give at 1904.me


  • It's Pi Kappa Phi’s Day of Giving. I made my gift, did you? Be counted and show your support for @PiKappaPhi at 1904.me #GIVE1904
  • Don't miss your chance to make a difference. Join me and make a gift for Day of Giving at 1904.me. #GIVE1904
  • Want to learn how to make a difference at @PiKappaPhi? Check out Day of Giving at 1904.me and make your impact! #GIVE1904

Post one of your favorite photos and be sure to use #ExceptionalLeaders, #UncommonOpportunties and #GIVE1904

Sample Email

Dear X,

On Thursday, December 7, Pi Kappa Phi is hosting its third annual Day of Giving and I hope you will join me and make a special gift on Pi Kappa Phi’s Day of Giving.

Here is how you can help make a difference:
1. GIVE: All Pi Kappa Phi alumni, students and friends are challenged to show their support for our lifelong brotherhood. All gifts made online between December 7 and December 10 count towards the Day of Giving. Visit 1904.me to make your gift.
2. SHARE: Spread the word about Day of Giving. Post on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share why you give back to Pi Kappa Phi, and why Pi Kappa Phi is important to you. Make sure you use #GIVE1904 to see your content on the Day of Giving social media wall.
3. ASK: Ask your personal network to join you in making a gift!

This Day of Giving, make a gift that says you stand with Pi Kappa Phi – and with me!

For more information about Pi Kappa Phi Day of Giving, please visit 1904.me. You can follow our social media wall throughout the day, learn about current student experiences and share your Pi Kappa Phi pride!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact DeVin Taylor, Annual Fund Coordinator, at 980.318.5384 or dtaylor@pikapp.org.

Yours in Pi Kappa Phi,
Your Name




Archives, Foundation

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

faq header

Below are some frequently asked questions about the Pi Kappa Phi Day of Giving. 

What is Pi Kappa Phi Day of Giving?
Pi Kappa Phi’s Day of Giving is a online giving initiative that encourages students, alumni, parents and friends to make a gift to Pi Kappa Phi. All gifts made online via 1904.me starting on December 7 through December 10 will be counted towards 2017 Day of Giving totals. Each gift, no matter the amount or the designation, makes an impact.

Where Does My Gift Go?
There are many giving opportunities at Pi Kappa Phi – all of which enable us to provide 13,000 student leaders with a meaningful, memorable and lifelong fraternal experience. We hope donors will designate their gifts to Pi Kappa Phi Leadership Fund. Each gift to the Leadership Fund is put to work immediately in support of the Fraternity’s greatest needs.

Can I designate my gift?
Absolutely! What matters most is that you make a gift. Simply let us your fund designation (e.g., Common Loyalty Campaign; Nu Phi Society) under “Comments/Special Instructions” on the online giving page.

Is it safe to make my gift online?
Yes. Making a gift online via our giving page is both easy and secure.

Could I make a gift by mail?
Yes. For individuals to participate offline, we are offering a special Early Give option. To make your gift by check, your check must:

  • Be made payable to Pi Kappa Phi Foundation and show “Day of Giving” in the memo line
  • Be received at the Foundation between December 1 – December 10
  • Be mailed to: DeVin Taylor, Annual Fund Coordinator, Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, 2015 Arysley Town Blvd., Ste. 200, Charlotte, NC 28273

Can I make a Day of Giving gift by phone?
Yes. If you would like to make your gift via a credit/debit card over the phone, please contact DeVin Taylor, Annual Fund Coordinator at 980.318.5384.

Can I make my gift in honor / in memory of someone?
Yes. Under “Tribute information” on the gift page, you will see the option to select “In Acknowledgement of” or “In Memory of.” Simply select which tribute applies and fill in the name(s) of those you wish to celebrate.

Is there a minimum donation amount?
No, our secure online giving page does not have a minimum gift amount. We accept American Express, Visa and MasterCard.

Are Day of Giving contributions tax-deductible?
Yes, your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Donors receive an email confirmation after making their gift that serves as your receipt for tax purposes.



Submit News

We want to share your accomplishments! Did your chapter just win Greek Week? Did you get a prestigious internship? Did you get married? Host an alumni event? Let us know with the quick form below and you could see your story on our website or in our next print issue of the Star & Lamp!

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