Mu Chapter alumnus Michael Pelehach launches campaign in Bulgaria

2d123d8cba9ac1f6c03882486946d166Last week, Pelehach and his students launched a fundraising initiative in order to build a school in Laos, Guatemala, or Ghana through the Pencils of Promise organization. In order to accomplish this goal the campaign must raise a total of $25,000, the total cost it takes to build the school.

This campaign was launched in an effort to teach Michael’s students two important lessons, Empathy and Empowerment. In Bulgaria, there is an alarming lack of philanthropy and volunteerism. He wanted to teach his students that despite the fact they live in the EU’s poorest country, they should still show compassion and concern for people struggling around the world. Many Bulgarians have a sense of pessimism that is a huge barrier to accomplishing big things; Michael thinks of it as almost a “communist hangover” effect. He wants his students to learn that they have the capacity to make a meaningful difference in the world.

So far the campaign through Pencils of Promise has received over 100 donations to equal almost $10,000. Michael needs all the help he can get for his campaign to be a success. Michael joined Pi Kappa Phi because of its commitment to philanthropy and this is his chance to give back to his students in Bulgaria and many others in Guatemala.

Learn more about the Pencils of Promise campaign. You can also view Michael’s blog here!