Mike Collins

This month I’m especially grateful for brother Mike Collins, (Kappa). The former President of Kappa Council, Inc., Mike has been the first volunteer to raise his hand, helping Kappa Chapter over the last several years. Mike was there to ensure Kappa’s interest and voice was heard with the student chapter was suspended several years ago. He was there working with alumni to sell the old chapter house on Finley Golf Course road and invested the proceeds in away that avoided tax on the gain. He was there again when it came time to acquire a new house and helped organize a capital campaign to support the purchase. Lastly, he was on hand again when Kappa celebrated its centennial anniversary last month, emceeing the banquet which was one of the largest gatherings of Kappa alumni in recent history. What’s special about Mike is that he is an “aggregator of talent,” meaning he assembles teams to get things done, relying on other Kappa brothers to work within their expertise for the greater good and he is happy to see others take the credit. We need more brothers like James Michael Collins.

Tom Atwood