Magical Founders’ Day celebration held in L.A.

The group enjoyed a cocktail hour with delicious appetizers and award-winning strolling magicians who went from table to table dazzling brothers and guests with their close-up magic skills. Immediately after, everyone was greeted by City Event Coordinator Ben Roman, Eta Chi (TCU), and newly-installed Regional Governor Daniel Hitzke, Zeta Lambda (Cal State – Chico). Brother Roman is the special events manager at The Magic Castle and coordinated the popular venue’s evening festivities for this even more popular annual event. Following greetings and introductions, the group gave tribute to the occasion with the Founders’ Memorial sub-ritual, and followed that up with a private magic show performed by undergrad Wes Mathison, Theta Sigma (Cal State – Long Beach), who happens to also be a Magic Castle¨ magician. Wes’ 25-minute show was an incredible medley of close-up and stage magic that concluded with Wes making a Pi Kapp jersey appear on his person!

Post-show, the brothers gathered for the official group photo and a (not too shabby) rendition of “The Rose” which was serenaded to all the ladies in the room. Then all were free to explore the rest of the club and enjoy more magic and mysteries. All in all, it was another wildly successful Founders Day at this very magical place.