Kurt Ingerick

I am thankful for a Mr. Kurt Ingerick, the current adviser for the Theta Psi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. The reason I am thankful for him is because without his assistance and guidance, the chapter and I would not be where we are today. He is an adviser, mentor, brother, father and a friend!

He spends countless hours outside of work making sure everyone around him is doing okay. When someone asks for his assistance and advice he is always available, even if he has a busy schedule. This ranges from looking over resumes for the career fair, checking-in on undergraduate members going through tough times and writing amazing recommendation letters, which have turned into many obtaining jobs.

I consider him more than just a brother of this fraternity, he is family. Thank you Kurt for everything you have done for me and for the brothers of the Theta Psi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, found at RIT.

Victor Santiago