Kappa Gamma Attends Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers

Shortly after arrival, the chapter proudly received a master chapter plaque for member experience, scholarship, and campus involvement. The chapter was also recognized for the longest travel time to the event, enduring 20 hours of driving each way. During the weekend, each member learned how to properly lead and develop themselves in their respective executive roles. During the awards banquet on Saturday night, the chapter claimed the award for the greatest improvement in campus involvement during the year 2016.

Below is a list of the following members that attended the event, including their positions:
Nick Lewis – Archon
Cole Junso – Vice Archon
Ryan Murphy – Treasurer
Kevin Mathison – Secretary
Chris West – Warden
Kyle Anderson – Historian (fill in)
Curtis Sibbert – Chaplain
Bryant Rau – Philanthropy
Gabe Lugo – Risk Manager
Kody Neill – Standards Board Chairman (fill in)