During his time at Furman, Josh Tutterow served as chapter Archon while majoring in computer science. When school was not in session, Josh devoted countless weekends and several of his summers to volunteering for Camp Spearhead, a residential summer camp in upstate South Carolina that caters specifically to children with disabilities. Since graduating in 2008, Josh has worked for Benefitfocus in Charleston, S.C., where he is currently a release manager, responsible for coordinating all deployments of new software. Although professionally successful, Josh hasn’t let it stand in his way of continuing to volunteer regularly to help people with disabilities. He volunteers with the City of Charleston Therapeutic Recreation Department as a coach for basketball, tennis, swimming, bocce and bowling, earning him the South Carolina Recreation and Park Association Volunteer of the Year Award. He is a regular volunteer with South Carolina Special Olympics in Charleston, coaching several sports including tennis and basketball. Last year, he was recognized by South Carolina Special Olympics as the Adult Volunteer of the Year.