Josh Tanenbaum


Josh is an entrepreneur, a nonprofit/philanthropy consultant in business development and an activist for Religio-Cultural Understanding and Youth Empowerment. He is the founder, president and CEO of Local Vibes LLC, a socially conscious independent artist & repertoire (A&R) company. Josh currently heads the Young Leadership Committee at the Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding as the organization’s Youth Liaison, is a member of the Young Leadership Committee of American Israeli Cultural Foundation, and a Young World Fellow of the Duke of Edinburgh International Award Foundation. He is also a junior board member of the Polonsky Foundation and is active with Nexus Youth Summit. Josh was recognized by Musiker summer program for mediating an ethnic conflict at the UCLA. He enjoys presenting on next generation philanthropic engagement, embracing and navigating family legacies, and empowering musicians to become advocates for causes for which they have a passion.