Help needed with SC storm relief efforts

We encourage you to consider a donation to either of these chapter efforts:

Alpha Chapter (College of Charleston) Food Drive/GoFundMe

In light of the dreadful flooding from Hurricane Joaquin, Pi Kappa Phi at the College of Charleston has partnered with the Health and Human Performance Department in order start a food and clothes drive for the victims affected by the storm. Many families in South Carolina have lost a great deal and we are coming together as a community to support these individuals in time of need. 100% of the funds will go towards Low Country Food Bank, who will in turn distribute food to the victims of the floods. We encourage you to donate to this cause, as we strive to make a difference in our community. Thank you for your time and participation!

Sigma Chapter (University of South Carolina) Flood Relief/GoFundMe

This week Hurricane Joaquin hit Columbia, South Carolina resulting in record rainfalls and flooding. The effects of this were devasting to the city (and surrounding areas), as the flooding totalled many houses, cars, and unfortunately even claimed several lives. We are very thankful that the University of South Carolina was not severly affected, however many residents of Columbia have been displaced and are in need of clean water, food, and clothes. The brothers of Pi Kappa Phi want to use the proceeds from this fund to support local organizations in order to bolster the relief efforts. With any money that is raised, we plan on buying much needed supplies for local churches such as Trenholm Road United Methodist Church. They are located in Forest Acres, which was one of the worst neighborhoods hit by the storm. We hope that with your financial support, combined with the the willingness of our organziation to help, that we can together bring much needed support and aid to the local community.