War of the Roses is a competition to see which sorority could raise the most money by participating in our Penny War as well as daily activities on campus throughout the week, with the winner receiving a $200 donation to the charity of their choice. Monday, March 9, marked the first event called Puppies and PiKapps where people were able to donate money to play with puppies that were brought on campus. This was followed by Pie-A-PiKapp on Tuesday where people were allowed to throw a pie at a brother for a dollar.
Wednesday was Push ups for Pi Kapp where people paid brothers to do push ups to support people with disabilities. On Thursday, Gamma worked to stop the derogatory use of the “R” word by taking a pledge to #EndTheRWord. War of the Roses ended on Friday with Serenades on Sproul where musically talented brothers serenaded students and even professors on campus. The sorority that ended up winning the Penny War was Zeta Tau Alpha. Overall, Gamma Chapter raised over $2,000 for The Ability Experience throughout the entire week. War of the Roses was a great success this year and the chapter hopes to continue to make War of the Roses a great success for years to come.