Eta Omega alumnus creates startup company TWO-O

He became a member of the Eta Omega Chapter back in 2009 when studying at New Mexico State University. Koning attended New Mexico State throught a study abroad program while in the second year of working towards his Masters of Business Studies in Amsterdam. He entered the university during recruitment and quickly got in contact with Pi Kappa Phi, the best thing that happened in that semester.

After Bob got to know all the brothers he accepted a bid, an answer that was an easy choice. Together with his study abroad Dutch friend they became brothers of Pi Kappa Phi and had the best times of their lives. Although Koning had to go back to Amsterdam after six months, the brothers became close friends in a way that they still have a lot of contact with each other to this day. The great thing is that although everyone is living somewhere else in the States, the brothers always help each other…. including with the project Bob is currently working on right now.

After receiving his masters degree in business studies Bob Koning started his own design label with a friend called TWO-O.

TWO-O designs and produces all kind of fashion accessories combined with wood. Their latest fashion accessory is a cap with a wooden brim. The design is based on the traditional American Baseball cap with straight brim. Currently their mission is to change and innovate the headwear industry by introducing a brand new type of cap to the market. In order to do this they decided to do a kickstarter project! You can click below to view this project.

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