Epsilon Mu Chapter at Bradley University

I have the opportunity to work with Pi Kappa Phi’s Epsilon Mu Chapter at Bradley University each year for their annual fall bonfire at the park I manage. In October 2012, the Brothers were having their annual event on a Friday night. During the event, I got a call that my son tried to commit suicide & I needed to get to the hospital ASAP. In a rush, I left the event knowing the guys were on their own and responsible without park staff (there was also a park officer on site but didn’t really know the guys).

The following week & the rest of the academic year, the chapter sent a signed card & text messages to check on my son & our family. This small act of kindness seems like nothing but has left an impact upon me & for that I am THANKFUL. The chapter is great, Brothers are responsible and one of the events I look forward to each year.

Tom Miller