Epsilon Alpha alumnus Darris Means recognized by Clemson Young Alumni Council

The Roaring 10 (front row, left) Scott Sampson, Stephanie Sox, Capt. Joseph Branch III, Jessica Barron Martin and Brian Collie; (second row, left) Harrison Trammel, Rick Joye, Matt Pencek, Matt Bundrick and Darris Means

Honorees were selected based on their continued efforts to uphold the university’s core values of honesty, integrity and respect and to demonstrate an “ever-loyal” relationship with Clemson University.

Darris Means of Athens, Georgia, Class of 2007
Means is an assistant professor at the University of Georgia in the counseling and human development services department and college student affairs administration program. He has received numerous awards, including Clemson University’s Outstanding Alumni for the Master of Education/Student Affairs Program award. He serves Clemson on the Higher Education and Student Affairs External Education Advisory Board.

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