Drayton is a four time Pi Alpha riding Journey of Hope three times; he rode 2008’s south route, was the crew chief for 2009’s transamerica route, the project manager for 2010’s north route and was on the 2011’s Build America team. In 2009 he was the student representative to the Ability Experience Board. Since graduating with his Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Mercer University in 2014, he worked at a local hospital for nine months and is now starting a new job with Benchmark Physical Therapy in Fayetteville, Georgia, where he will begin his residency training in order to specialize in orthopedics and manual therapy. Drayton continues to volunteer for various programs of The Ability Experience and has facilitated various tracks at Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers.
Advice for students and young alumni:
“Believe that there is good in the world, be that good. The only disability in life is a bad attitude.”