Category: Ability Experience
Ability Experience, Archives
Living Abroad
“You come from country of cowboys. You ride horse whenever you want, “ said the host father of a volunteer...
Ability Experience, Archives
A Reflection of a Year Spent in the Land of Endless Summer
As a young boy I remember being awe struck by the wondrous stories and journeys of my Aunt Tracy.
Ability Experience, Archives
From Palagi to Friend
In the Samoan language the word palagi is often used to describe a foreigner (white person) or outsider.
Ability Experience, Archives
If you Build it They will Come
I have spent several tenuous days working on organizing the library at my school.
Ability Experience, Archives
The Birthplace of the Tattoo
Samoa is known as the birthplace of the tattoo. It is an art that has been handed down for thousands...
Ability Experience, Archives
AccessABILITY is one way for you to help impact the lives of people with disabilities in your community. These...
Ability Experience, Archives
Six Months already
I have spent six months in the country of Samoa. Life moves at a much slower pace, which gives you...