Carl Schlotman releases a book that helps students attain internships and jobs

schlotman-carl-eta-zeta-queens2-042114During his time at Queens, he has done six internships, including financial institutions Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch. Upon graduation next month, he will start a full-time position with Wells Fargo, a job that was offered to him (and accepted) before his senior year even began.

Schlotman decided to write his book after reading a CNBC article that said 66 percent of hiring managers don’t believe college graduates are prepared for the workforce.

“When I started this journey of wanting to attain ambitious internships, I wished there had been a practical guide to help me,” said Schlotman. “It would have saved me a lot of time.”

Schlotman’s book has been endorsed by CEOs, serial entrepreneurs and managing directors. After being officially released last Monday, it is already ranked #2 on Amazon’s Best Selling Internship Books list.

“The goal of the book is to have a positive impact on as many young students of possible,” said Schlotman. “I feel very fortunate to have had access to such amazing mentors and organizations, and I would like to give back. It lines up perfectly with Queens’ motto of ‘Not to be served but to serve.'”

(source: Queens University)

More about the book:

Publication Date: April 2, 2014
ISBN-10: 0991634403
ISBN-13: 978-0991634408
Available on